Bernie Cook's Blog

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Getting Started with Git and Visual Studio: Step-By-Step Guide

Git This post provides a visual step-by-step guide to installing Git on a Windows machine and integrating it into Visual Studio. By the end of this guide you’ll be able to use Git as a source code management (SCM) system for all of your Visual Studio projects, and hopefully start to appreciate why Git has become such a huge success.

For those not so familiar with Git it’s a free and open-source Distributed Version Control System (DVCS) developed back in 2005 by a very famous developer in the software world named Linus Torvalds. It’s considered “the SCM” of choice in many circles and for good reason. It’s fast, simple, distributed, can support projects of any size and a variety of workflows. If you want to read more visit the Git Book website – it’s a free online resource for learning about Git. Continue reading